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Ebonie's Hypnobirth - Kallan's birth story

** Kallan - 29th August 2016 - 5.2 kg - SJOG Murdoch **

I had to make the choice to have a Caesarean because my baby was macrosomic and high risk for an emergency c section so we made the choice to have an elective one.

Leading up to the day I was very uncomfortable because bubs was so big but used the hypnotracks to calm myself to sleep when I needed rest. They were amazing. I also downloaded the c section cd and listened to it pretty much daily to prepare myself before the actual day.

On the actual day I was nervous but confident that my birth would still be everything that I wanted it to be. During the morning I talked quietly with my husband and relaxed in the room. Whenever I felt anxious I just remembered all of the affirmations of the tracks I listened to and it calmed me right down. I was probably the most worried about the epidural. The breathing techniques I learnt for coping with pain with Laura really helped as the anesthetist put the epidural in and I continued to breathe and remember my affirmations. It was painful but uncomfortable. The best part of my Hypnobirthing was once I was on the table and the surgeons were delivering my baby boy the anxiety left and I was able to visualize my baby coming to me rather than any of my anxieties. It was incredible. When they lifted him out to me I was of course overcome with happiness and was able to enjoy cuddles as we 2 became 3. My husband was a great support just holding my hand and telling me I was doing great.

The whole time I felt very in control and confident and I put it down to the tracks I listened to prior to delivery. My whole birth experience was very empowering.

Recovery was smooth for me aswell and I know we made the right decision for my baby and me. Although my birth plan had to change from what I originally had planned I couldn't have wished for a better birth. Thanks Laura ! :-)


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